之前訂法國巧克力大師La Maison Du Chocolat(<--可點入)的巧克力產品時,看到他出的食譜有點心動...過一陣子就忘了這回事,最近朋友說到想買日籍甜點師傅青木定治(<--可點入)的食譜時,才又想到這件事情。
想說買以前先搜尋看看網路上有沒有La Maison Du Chocolat的食譜,先做做看有成功再買書,這樣比較實際,我喜歡買了食譜照著做有成功、好吃的成就感;偶爾造著某些食譜做,結果卻失敗,會讓我想很久是哪裡出錯了,很想找出癥結是什麼,投資了時間又浪費的食物,實在很可惜。
結果網路上找到這個倫敦的女生的部落格 (<--可點入),分享了一個La Maison Du Chocolat Chocolate Pleyel Cake (<--可點入)巧克力蛋糕的食譜,這個蛋糕我上次有訂過 (<--可點入),非常好吃,但是好貴要US$28。
備齊了材料以後,就可以烤蛋糕囉。材料中的杏仁粉最難買,最後是在Whole Foods買到,其它都滿簡單的。
200g dark chocolate
5 eggs (3 yolks - 5 whites)
190g butter
10g vanilla extract
170g Powered Sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
70g granulated sugar
100g flour
75g almond powder
1. Grease a 25cm cake tin and put it in the fridge
2. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place it in a glass bowl. Heat the bowl gently by placing it over a saucepan filled with boiling water until the chocolate has melted. Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
3. When the chocolate has melted, add the butter cut into small cubes. Blend and then add the vanilla, yolks and icing sugar. Mix again.
4. Add the almond powder, take the bowl off the saucepan, add the flour and mix throughly.
5. Preheat the oven to 200C.
6. Beat the egg whites to stiff peaks, add the salt and then add the granulated sugar a little at a time and keep beating. Add the egg whites to the chocolate mixture and blend well.
7. Flour the cake tin and pour the mixture into it.
8. Place the cake tin in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.
9. To check it is baked, poke the cake with the blade of a knife and if the blade comes out dry, then it’s ready.
10. Remove the cake from the oven and the tin, and leave to cool before serving.
* Dark Chocolate選好一點,絕對是影響巧克力蛋糕口味的關鍵;我是混合50G 100%可可含量純巧克力和150G 70%可可含量巧克力。
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